Monday, February 11, 2008

YouTube and Video Posting

Broadband connections have made video easy to share on the web and YouTube has become a model for an entire generation of websites. It seems that everybody with a domain name is starting up a video site. Myspace has a YouTube clone called MyspaceTV. There's also Dailymotion, another clone of YouTube.

Besides these blatant YouTube clones, a number of web sites are doing something new and creative with video posting. Gamers have long been recording there virtual accomplishments and uploading them to the internet. A new website called WeGame lets gamers record videos of gameplay and then automatically upload it to the website with their software.

Also many traditional web sites have added the ability to upload video and other user generated content. has I-Report, where users can submit their own news reports.

I see web video continuing to grow in popularity and, hopefully, there will be more unique websites than YouTube clones.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Me playing a video game on WeGame would be really embarassing and somewhat sad. I-Report sounds as if its a little bit like Current TV - made up of user generated content. I'm excited to see where this all takes us in the future.